The Enviromental Protecion Agency (EPA) estimates that we are regularly exposed to more than 20,000 chemicals in our enviroment, which our bodies can’t metabolize. The toxic substances that we do not eliminate are stored in our fat cells and organs.
Bodies try to naturally detox through the kidneys, liver, skin, bowel eliminations, and breath. Detoxing is just another way to help the body cleanse more toxins from the pores of the soles of feet.
5 basic points of ionic detox:
1. Dehydrated cells in our bodies fuse shut and trap toxins inside.
2. The array splits the hydrogen molecules in the water which results in a smaller OH molecule, which is a negative ion, small enough to pass through the pores of your feet.
3. Negative Ions re-open dehydrated fused cells. (Why it is important to drink water prior to detoxing and following detoxing)
4. Once the cells are re-opened, they will naturally expel toxins, rehydrate and repair
5. The body will prioritize how to use the negative ions, and what to detox. (Enjoy viewing the color guide to find out what your body is detoxing)
“I was amazed at the nastiness that came out of my feet after my first detox. The color chart aligned perfectly with my ailments.” —J.A.
“I have so much more energy since having my weekly detoxing. My husband was looking for me and found me outside working. I had been outside most of the day, enjoying the good weather we were having.”—A.S.